A Web application in Ruby On Rails that let users build their resumes online ,This application is also incorporated with some of the API features like Linkedin Import , Github Import & Multi-Provider authentication using Omniauth. Users can create and host their resumes in cv-builder and also can share their resumes by using the public URL given by CV-builder.
"Survey App" A web application in Ruby on Rails.
"Survey App" A web application in Ruby on Rails.
A Framework for controlling Expeyes .
A simple Framework was designed in python to control the Expeyes hardware
( ) by using '' as back-end and HTML , Javascript and jQuery as front-end.
A Graph algorithm visualization in Google App Engine.
Visualization of Floyd-Warshall shortest path algorithm by using HTML5 canvas ,Javascript and jQuery as Front-end and “ Google App Engine ” as Back- end.
A simple Twitter API application was coded in "Ruby on Rails" framework.
A simple URL shortener.
A simple URL shortener.
A URL shortener was coded in the python framework “Django” .
A URL shortener was coded in the python framework “Google App Engine” .